PG&E Share My Data Instructions
Click on the unique data sharing link you received by email
Sign in with your PG&E online account username and password. If you don’t know your login credentials, see instructions below.
A screen will appear that lists the DRP(s) requesting access to your data, the various categories of data to be shared, the electric service accounts for which data is to be shared, and the duration or time frame of the data sharing that the DRP(s) requested.
Select the SUBMIT button to complete the authorization process. After selecting SUBMIT, you will be returned to the Smart Savers California website.
Click on the unique data sharing link you received by email
Select the GUEST ACCESS tab.
Enter (1) the 11-digit Account Number from your PG&E electricity bill and (2) the Phone Number on file with PG&E that is associated with your electric account.
A screen will appear that identifies the DRP(s) requesting access to your data, the various categories of data to be shared, the electric service accounts for which data is to be shared, and the duration or time frame of the data sharing that the DRP(s) requested.
Be sure to enter your email address at the bottom of the authorization screen. This is a required field.
Select the SUBMIT button to complete the authorization process. After selecting SUBMIT, you will be returned to the Smart Savers California website.